on occashionly looking yn th mirror + being okei w/it
ro of faces in my iminding like instagrm tiles or lyke a leafi plant
groin qhwickly thruȝ myn empti livingroom
faces wh do not speech 2me w w y is it euer so silente
i tchoke open min mouth a bulbe
emerjes Lit + Gloin as a bonefire ofv childhoode botevaunt:
small ch ch chaires
peinted b boxen 4 dressin-up-clothes
chestes-ofv-drawers w/sticki sticky handels
O g o n up in flaumbe
g o n quwite utterli 2 furi + brillyanse
tho sins the room is empty
no1 cs this architecturel wondre!! ~ jst þs corpus of guts+<3 ~ smthng
seemin-sedentery ~ seemin-dour yiet o
producin lioght in brght ejeccioun
like an contente hen-chiccen
(sly w/hw hr bodi works w/in her)
orr an endliss blu nebula
—both handes behinde her back—
creates a *
or an egge
ta da
> a stranger told me once my bodi was a rhenish bottle
+ i made the mistake
of believin them—
~stopt searching these clutterd rooms for the furnace key
~let the glas cool til i was fixd
in this one repeating thought.
but n/t
is ever
not bodies nor college chapels can stop th comin trnsfrmacioun\
fleur-d-lis in stonework flickers inne + ut ofv existence like life-in-trees
w/the cyclin light.
u put down ur drink listen rapt to sm whtsapp-frend yet its only months later
in ur amber bedroom o sursaut
u hear their voice.
a week ago i watchd the swifts mandala down to roost
their inky bodies unzipping the sky o ten thousand
at a time
+ the marshes became heavy as a haunted corridor
black + whisperin as treacl on the stove
w/their countless chosen beds.
th world has shiftd i thought then, which was true—
kinda—the graviti of that unbridled plummet + swoon pulling the planet
some little way out of its align
but it was also only bullshit wisdom/ how while i drove the hills
to ur parents’ house ur brother wld ask u r we just pretending
that everythings alright
+ how in the morning
some ten ten thousand bodies would rise agen
as one.
Tamsin Blaxter is a poet, a historical linguist and a trans woman living in Cambridge, UK. Her research focuses on language use in medieval Norway, on Twitter, and in other strange places. Her poetry — well, you know what that’s about, since you’ve just read some of it. WEB TWITTER