As dew would meet
the tongue wilted
through, a soupçon of
relief, to cut the bitter-
ness of dust carried
on wind-tide,
so too are you my
respite from a world
Despite my betters,
I run through mind
scenarios of grief, hating
that one of the three of
us will depart first,
pleading with the earth,
which gives so freely and
withdraws just the same,
that it would be me
and in some objection-
able faraway year.
M. Walker is an Austin based artist, musician, and writer from Amarillo, TX. He volunteers as an “Artist For Wild Nature” for the wildlife advocacy group Project Coyote and is the resident emcee of the annual John Prine Night each October at the only grocery store in Marathon, TX. He spends most of his time roasting chili peppers and taunting Austin tourists with both his partner and his young son. WEB