Genevieve S. Aguinaldo lives in Los Baños, Philippines with her husband and four children. She earned her degree in Communication Arts from the University of the Philippines Los Baños and Diploma in Language and Literacy Education from UP Open University. Her creative works may be read in Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Cold Moon Journal, Shot Glass Journal, Shadow Pond Journal, haikuNetra, Take5ive, Failed Haiku, and Wales Haiku Journal.

West Ambrose is a scrivener and performing artist. Check out his ever queer works at here. If you want anything published in The HLK quarterly or The Crow’s Nest, just ring for the masthead, and let them know.

Carlyle Baker is approaching a point free from the contortions of other artists, strange non-linear compositions of an idiosyncratic method, he has exhibited widely, backwards and forwards.   TUMBLR

Jerome Berglund has published many haiku, haiga and haibun, most recently in bottle rockets, Frogpond, and Presence. His collections Bathtub Poems, Funny Pages, and Eleusinian Solutions were released by Setu, Meat For Tea Press, and Mōtus Audāx; a mixed media chapbook showcasing his fine art photography is available now from Yavanika.   WEB   INSTAGRAM   TWITTER

Chris Blexrud is a writer and librarian living in Albuquerque.

Audrey T. Carroll (She/Her) is the author of What Blooms in the Dark (ELJ Editions), The Gaia Hypothesis (Alien Buddha), Parts of Speech: A Disabled Dictionary (Alien Buddha), and In My Next Queer Life, I Want to Be (kith books).   WEB   INSTAGRAM   TWITTER

Darin Ciccotelli has published work in Bennington Review, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, Fence, Cream City Review, Subtropics, and West Branch and has received a National Endowment of the Arts fellowship. He teaches at Soka University of America.

Eavonka Ettinger Ettinger arrived at haiku after a journey through theatre, film, spoken word poetry, and teaching. She’s been widely published and is currently a Touchstone, Red Moon Anthology, and Best of the Net nominee.

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni received two nominations for The Touchstone Award and was recognized on the Haiku Euro Top 100 list and The Mainichi’s Haiku in English Best list for 2023. She has been published in 190 international journals.   BLOG   INSTAGRAM   TWITTER

Mark Gilbert lives in the UK and writes short poetry and prose. He enjoys exploring the concept of haiku in outer space and on other worlds.   TWITTER

Ellen Harold (She/Her) is an Irish artist and writer as well as editor-in-chief of Metachrosis Literary. She uses drawing, text, and textiles to explore physics, anatomy, and ecology through creative abstraction.   WEB   INSTAGRAM   TWITTER

Ingrid Jendrzejewski likes cryptic crosswords, puzzlehunts, and shortform writing in all its flavours..   WEB   TWITTER

Emma King: is a life-long New Yorker, nurse, greenwitch, poet and cat-mom. She loves rainy days, printing zines, curating smut and day-dreaming about revolutionizing end-of-life care. She is a co-creator of the poetry and interview magazine Refuze Review / Masterbondsman.

Kushal Poddar: The author of A White Cane For The Blind Lane and How To Burn Memories Using a Pocket Torch has ten books to his credit. He is a journalist, father of a four-year-old, illustrator, and an editor. His works have been translated into twelve languages and published across the globe.   TWITTER

Mary Salome (she/her) is a queer Arab- and Irish-American writer and media activist who lives in San Francisco. Her prose and poetry have been published in Food for our Grandmothers: Writings by Arab-American and Arab-Canadian Feminists, The Argyle Literary Magazine, Moss Piglet Zine, and Archive of the Odd, among other publications. She is currently allergic to social media.

Shloka Shankar is a poet and self-taught visual artist from Bangalore, India. A Best of the Net nominee and award-winning haiku poet, Shloka is the Founding Editor of Sonic Boom and its imprint Yavanika Press. Her debut full-length haiku collection, The Field of Why (Yavanika Press, India), was shortlisted for the Touchstone Distinguished Book Awards 2022.   WEB

A native Floridian, Crystal Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. A Pushcart/ Best of the Net/ Dwarf Star Nominee and Rhysling Finalist, her work appears in 34 Orchard, Apparition Lit, F&SF, Frozen Wavelets, On Spec, and others.   WEB   INSTAGRAM   TWITTER

Bill Wolak has just published his eighteenth book of poetry entitled All the Wind’s Unfinished Kisses with Ekstasis Editions. His collages and photographs have appeared as cover art for such magazines as Phoebe, Harbinger Asylum, Baldhip Magazine, and Barfly Poetry Magazine.