mystery mind inside cracking the event horizon
hive comb the stolen drips of a moniker
jazz hands I raise you ectoplasm
particles and waves the other half a breath
riding out interplanetary tides of memory foam
in between planes a great sequoia takes root
matters of what each syllable unburns a fire
Kat Lehmann GRIX
light echoes inside the mooncradle of a canyon
sun days our shades of earth turn into air
hawk sounds to soar the space inside an atom
honing in the keyhole gaze of an owl limpet
waves of sea velvet a protandrous fish
sip of dissolved oxygen a life solving for x
the atlas & axis sliding into enemy territory
GRIX Kat Lehmann
Kat Lehmann is a Touchstone Award-winning haiku poet and scientist based in Connecticut, USA. Kat is Co-Founder / Co-Editor of Whiptail: Journal of the Single-Line Poem, and a panelist for the Touchstone Distinguished Book Award. Her third book is Stumbling Toward Happiness: Haibun and Hybrid Poems (2019). TWITTER & INSTAGRAM
When GRIX isn’t juggling medication bottles, they are lying in bed, editing for Whiptail: Journal of the Single-Line Poem, Sonic Boom, and Yavanika Press, and reading for kontinuum. TWITTER & INSTAGRAM