Original text version:
I came bearing a fading llum
presumed the recess of a periphery
una cançó que es repeteix again and again and again
entre nosaltres i els nostres
careless I approached
deixa’m en l’aixopluc
llençols al llindar
greixosos, mullats
I felt soft and reckless
cradeled in the cup of kin
el mateix mereix una escletxa
an almost imperceptible bloom
left me agog, floored
watching them pace circles
dressed in black
baixa així
a piercing silence
com una mena d’extenció de mi mateixa
immobile in the depths of a clearing
el que garanteix un espai propi
in Catalan : a stillness
in English : a silence
then to reckon with a parting
Emma Gomis is a Catalan American essayist, poet, editor and researcher. She is the cofounder of Manifold Press. She has published Canxona (Blush Lit, 2021) and X (SpamZine Press, 2021). She is the coeditor of New Weathers: Poetics from the Naropa Archives forthcoming from Nightboat Books in August 2023. She holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing & Poetics from Naropa’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, where she was also a fellowship recipient, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in criticism and culture at the University of Cambridge. INSTA